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Desert Christian Schools Inquiry Request

Thank you for your interest in Desert Christian Schools (DCS)!

 DCS is accepting Applications for the 2025-2026 school year. 

* Indicates a required field.

Parent / Guardian Information
  • First Parent / Guardian
  • First Name *
  • Last Name *
  • Email Address *
  • Confirm Email Address *
  • Gender *
  • Cell Phone *
  • Please tell us how you heard about Desert Christian Schools? *
  • As the student's Parent/Guardian(s), do you believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?

    * Yes   No
  • The best way to see Desert Christian School is to take a private campus tour. This provides a time for your student and family to visit classrooms, meet teachers and students along with having your questions answered.

    Are you interested in scheduling a campus tour?

  • Does your family currently attend an evangelical Christian church?

    If so, please list the church your family attends.

  • Student 1
  • First Name *
    Last Name *
  • Gender *
  • Grade Level of Interest *
    School Year *
  • Is There Another Student?
    Yes No
  • Parent / Guardian Notes